

This is the time of year when we take a look back at what we read, retracing our steps and revisiting some of the books we most enjoyed in our reading journeys. Thanks to the summary offered by GoodReads I can explore the past twelve months and amuse myself with some statistics.

Here is the visual overview of the books I read and reviewed in 2017:


65 titles sounds like an incredible amount, even taking into account that some of them are novellas, so they are shorter than an average book. Still, the overall page count gave me pause: 21.859 – I certainly spent a good amount of time with my nose in a book, and considering that most of my reading happens during the hour-long commute to and from work, I am deeply grateful to all those authors and their stories that distracted me from the daily drudgery of my subway travels.

As far as genres are concerned, they are more or less equally divided:

FANTASY                   26
HORROR                    6

Once I tended to read more SF than other genres, but I have to admit that in recent years Fantasy and its close relative Urban Fantasy take up a much larger space on my virtual shelves, thanks to the discovery of authors whose books I buy sight unseen, knowing I will enjoy their stories no matter what they feature. Still, I hope to read more SF in the near future, if nothing else because I want to find a better balance in my reading choices.

On the subject of ratings, I have been fortunate enough, in 2017, to encounter very few books I did not enjoy, so that only 3 of them did get a rating that was less that 3 stars over 5 (not unlike last year): my average rating comes up to a little over 4, which means that I loved what I read. Speaking of which, I feel the need to stress how 2017 was an amazing year for debut novels and that it’s only proper to list them again here (in the order I read them):

KINGS OF THE WYLD by Nicholas Eames
SOUL OF THE WORLD by David Mealing
FIRST WATCH by Dale Lucas
THE TETHERED MAGE by Melissa Caruso (forthcoming review)

If this has indeed been a great reading year, it’s also because of these wonderful stories and their creators, and I hope of seeing more of them soon.

A  Happy 2018  to all of you, and may it be filled with great stories!

25 thoughts on “MY 2017 IN BOOKS

  1. This is the coolest ever way to show all your books! I’ve read many of these, and I have to agree it was an amazing year for reading. I can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for us 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You read a lot of books this year, and I haven’t forgotten all the short story reviews either! Now I need to pick up First Watch because I loved all the other books on your best debut list. That’s the only one I haven’t read yet, and it’s been sitting on my to-read shelf forever!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! I am impressed! I’m trying to step up my reading this year, starting with a rec from my sister titled “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch.

    Here’s wishing you a 2018 filled with good stories!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! My sis recommended it (she’s a librarian in a small town). Ryan (my son) rad it and he couldn’t put it down. I’ll try to read it soon so we can talk about it.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy New Year!
    You read a lot of amazing books this year, a four star average rating is awesome! I wasn’t so lucky my average rating is 3.4 stars and I am not surprised, although I read a couple of amazing thing, at least half of what I read has been average… Hopefully 2018 will be a better reading year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on a wonderful reading year – what a very attractive way to display your books! I hope that 2018 proves to be every bit as successful – there are a number of books you’ve read that I want to get hold of. The Boy on the Bridge, Gemina and Rise to name just three… Happy New Year, Maddalena!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. An excellent reading year! And of your favourite debuts, three of them are on my ‘frantically catching up in January before 2018 releases make me forget about them’ list 😉 …starting with The Tethered Mage, I think.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love your books all displayed like that and hope 2018 is as good for reading. I also had few books that I didn’t enjoy this year – which is probably a combination of taking more time to consider which books I’ll really like and not continuing with those that I’m not enjoying.
    Happy New Year
    Lynn 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes I find that after a particularly great book, the ones that come immediately after have a great deal to overcome to make some headway: I should remember to start each new one with an open mind…
      Happy New Year to you as well! 🙂


  8. You’re so good at choosing books that’ll work for you, Maddalena! I need to be a bit more choosy, because I came across some real stinkers in 2017. But that’s what DNFs are for, right? 😉 Sending you good vibes for 2018!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!
      I guess it’s a matter of what I like to call “book vibes”: when reading a synopsis, something calls out to me – more or less strongly – and usually the book turns out to be one I love. But it might be nothing more than luck, after all! 😀


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