
A TIME OF COURAGE (Of Blood and Bone #3), by John Gwynne

I received this novel from Pan McMillan through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review: my thanks to both of them for this opportunity.

Since this is the third and final volume of the trilogy, and given its high narrative stakes, this will be a spoiler-free review, so that you will be able to fully enjoy the climax of the story once you get to it.

Once again I discovered how easy it is to go back to this complex, multi-layered world and the characters who people it: unlike previous times, however, there was also a heightened sense of uncertainty because here the story reaches its final showdown, and previous experience taught me that nobody could be considered safe here, so I was very anxious for the survival of the characters I had come to appreciate and love.  To sum up my experience with A Time of Courage in a few words, I have come across a new definition of epic fantasy, indeed.

The ages-long strife between the Ben-Elim and the Kadoshim, between good and evil, is about to reach its decisive battle and things are indeed looking grim for the people of the Banished Lands: through the artful planning of the Kadoshim and their allies, Asroth – lord of the demonic creatures – has been freed from his decades-long confinement and is about to command his army of evil creatures and twisted humans in the war for dominance. For their part, the Ben-Elim, the Order of the Bright Star and their own allies are opposing a strenuous resistance, but their adversaries are too many and hard to vanquish – and some of these defenders are more interested in power and dominance struggles rather than in combining their forces to insure the survival of humanity.

These might sound like standard plot elements in the genre, and in a way they are: what makes them different, what makes this series stand out from the rest, however, is the strong, compelling characterization carried out across the whole spectrum of personalities – from the undeniably good to the perversely evil – together with the unrelenting pace and the breath-taking descriptions of battles fought either on the ground or in the air whenever winged creatures from both sides engage each other. Starting from here, I have to confess that battle scenes rarely hold any appeal for me, but I always can make an exception for those described by John Gwynne, who possesses the very rare talent of bringing you in the very midst of it all, blending the physical action with the emotional commitment of the characters and turning these elements into scenes of such cinematic quality that they compel you to follow every word with the kind of concentration that makes you forget the rest of the world around you. This was particularly true for the “battle to end all battles” representing the climax of this novel and of the books that preceded it, a sequence that roughly takes the last twenty percent of the page count and that went on unrelentingly, alternating victories and defeats for the heroes, to the point that I had to often remind myself to breathe, because I was in such a state of stress I don’t remember ever experiencing with a book.

In these times when epic fantasy seems to have reached a wider audience, thanks to the largely successful small-screen portrayal of another genre saga, many have wondered what the next “blockbuster” might be: well, if a mythical creature like a far-seeing, perceptive network executive truly exists, they should look no further than this epic, that started with the four-book series The Faithful and the Fallen and closes its narrative cycle with the three books of Of Blood and Bone. If handled with the care and respect that this story deserves, it could easily surpass anything we have seen until now.

The characters represent the other strength of the series: after a while I realized that they had taken hold of my imagination, regardless of their position in the scheme of things – even the ones pledging their alliance to Asroth have their reasons for doing so, and while unable to “forgive” them for that choice, I could see where they came from, what made them choose that path, and this understanding turned them into people rather than mere adversaries, into flesh-and-blood creatures that felt quite real, as did the feelings animating them.  The moments in which Gwynne’s characterization excels are not those linked with battles though, but rather the quieter moments, the lulls between skirmishes when our heroes take the time to encourage or comfort each other, when they share the pain for the loss of a fallen comrade or reaffirm the bonds of friendship and loyalty tying them together: in these moments we finally understand that they are not only fighting to combat evil, and certainly not to seek glory, but because of the sense of kinship, of family, they have come to share.  In the overall grimness of the situation, while facing impossible odds and the possibility of annihilation, hope, love and friendship are the best weapons they can wield and also the armor shielding them from the encroaching darkness.

And while I am on the subject of love and friendship, I want to reserve a special mention for the animals fighting alongside people: wolvens, bears and talking crows whose devotion, loyalty and courage often sheds a ray of light in the darkest of circumstances: these creatures are crafted with the same passionate care reserved to people, and it takes little time to grow attached to them just as much as with their human counterparts.

This is such an immersive world that it’s a pleasure and a joy to lose oneself in it, and although I got to know it in this second phase of its history – the one represented by Of Blood and Bone, whose events follow those of the previous series The Faithful and the Fallen by more than a century – I had no difficulty in finding my bearings in it. However, after reading the first novel of this trilogy, A Time of Dread, I backtracked and so far managed to read two of the four books in the previous saga, and will try to complete the other two as soon as I can so that I can have a comprehensive picture of this amazing creation that literally stole my imagination from the very first chapters of that first book. The Banished Lands, despite the evil plaguing them, are a fascinating place to visit, and I intend to get to know them as well as they deserve.

My Rating:    

20 thoughts on “A TIME OF COURAGE (Of Blood and Bone #3), by John Gwynne

  1. I wish I was reading this series, and I don’t think I knew that it had a cast of interesting animal characters! That alone draws me in😁 Glad this third book was a success!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Everything you write sounds like it should work perfectly for me. And I wish it did. But Gwynne and I just don’t get along 😦 I really wish I did like this. 7 big books of epic fantasy are exactly what I want.
    It makes me a lot more empathetic towards those who have tried the Wheel of Time and just can’t get into it.

    I am glad that he hasn’t disappointed you and is staying strong. Bodes well for any future books you read by him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember your comment about his Faithful and the Fallen series, and I guess it all boils down to the… chemical reaction between author and reader: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t – and your comparison with WoT is a good example, since that one did not work for me.
      But we both found series that we enjoy, so… it’s a win-win situation 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m still undecided whether to start reading Gwynne or not, seven bricks like these are such a time commitment! Glad you lived it so much, though – I’m one step closer to a decision! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I started with A Time of Dread, which would mean only a three-book journey: if you like this first one and move forward, you can always catch up with the previous four at a later time. This second series can be read on its own, and so you will not feel so much… pressure 😉

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    1. I understand how the idea of committing to what is essentially a 7-books saga might be daunting, and I keep wondering if the fact that I jumped in at the second part of it, with A Time of Dread, did not help me overcome the “fear”… 🙂

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  4. I first discovered John Gwynne’s writing in Malice and then jumped into A Time of Dread when it released without finishing the original series. I told myself that I needed to finish both of these runs but never got around to them because of… other huge fantasy series hahaha Your review, however, has reminded me that I NEED to finish them and that everything will be absolutely WORTH IT in the end. Thank you for sharing this passionate and insightful review as always, Maddalena! I wonder what Mr. Gwynne plans on doing next. 😮

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, whatever he writes, I’ll grab that book without thinking twice about it! 😁
      I read Malice, and then Valour, after reading A Time of Dread, and I plan on finishing with Ruin and Wrath as soon as I can because I’m invested in this world and characters and I want to know the complete story, no matter that I came at it backwards: my brain will put together the pieces once I have them all…
      Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

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