
THE BOOK OF KOLI (Rampart Trilogy #1), by M.R. Carey


I received this novel from Orbit Books, through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review: my thanks to both of them for this opportunity.

There was no doubt whatsoever that I would enjoy this new work from M.R. Carey: after being enthralled by The Girl With All the Gifts, The Boy on the Bridge and Someone Like Me, I knew I would be in for another fascinating journey, but The Book of Koli went beyond any expectations I might have held, and confirmed its author as a skilled storyteller in the post-apocalyptic genre.

Civilization fell a long time ago – probably centuries – so that the glories of the past have become more myth than remembrance for most: it’s not specified what happened, but it would seem that a series of climate upheavals and devastating wars destroyed the world as we know it, and what now remains of humanity is confined to small, enclosed villages leading a hardscrabble existence.  Nature now rules rather than mankind: some genetic modifications introduced in flora have turned the trees into aggressive, murderous creatures that sunlight can wake from a light slumber, and fauna is just as dangerous, if nothing else because of its increased size and inherent hostility.

Koli, the story’s POV voice, is a boy in his mid-teens living in the village of Mythen Rood, a 200-odd souls settlement that’s considered quite big for the usual standards, which shows how humanity has indeed dwindled in numbers after the fall. Koli is ready to face the testing ceremony that will mark his passage into adulthood and which consist in attempting to “wake” the pieces of old tech in possession of the village. The defense of Mythen Rood is based on four pieces of still-functioning old technology salvaged from the past: those able to activate and wield them are called Ramparts – their role of protectors also making them the de facto rulers or the community.

As every young person undergoing the testing, Koli dreams of becoming a Rampart, youthful imagination and his interest for a girl fueling those desires into something of an obsession that leads him to break the rules and come into the illegal possession of a dormant piece of tech he’s able to wake: a DreamSleeve. The object and its AI interface Monono Aware will open Koli’s mind to unexpected possibilities but also bring about the beginning of a dangerous adventure that will change his life forever.

The changed Earth we see depicted here is both a strange and fearsome place, and seeing it through Koli’s eyes – and his limited vision – shows how people’s look has turned inwards for fear of the outside: enclaves are protected by barriers, the world beyond them filled with real dangers but also by less physical ones brought on by ignorance, which is encouraged and enforced from those in power through mechanisms that are as old as the universe. It’s no surprise that Ursala, a sort of wandering doctor who travels between settlements with her drudge – for all purposes a mobile first aid/defense unit – is welcomed for her skills but considered with suspicion by the leaders, because her considerable knowledge and the news she brings from ‘out there’ might pose a threat to their authority and the aura of superiority they need to project to assert their power.

Koli’s experience in the outside world is a coming of age story, of course, and a hero’s journey as well, but it’s also a way of showing that world and how it mutated from the one we know: being on his own is certainly a harrowing situation, but it also illustrates how limiting an existence based simply on survival can be.  The most striking narrative detail here comes from the language and the way it adapted over time, becoming simpler, less concerned with grammar and syntax: I saw a few comments declaring how this aspect of the story interfered with some readers’ experience and made their progress through it more difficult, but to me it was instead the perfect way of driving home the changes people went through from a flourishing, technology-rich society to a more primitive life. Far from bothering me, this less-refined language was the perfect complement for the background the author created and added a level of poignancy to the story that would be lacking with a more polished form of expression. Anyone who read Flowers for Algernon and remembers the language progression in the protagonist’s diaries knows what I mean…

At the start of the novel, Koli is your typical teenager, preferring the carefree company of his friends to the drudgery of the work all villagers must share, and dreaming of a brighter future, one where he might be able to add the qualifier of Rampart to his name, and as such he makes ill-advised decisions dictated by inexperience and hormones, and yet he does not come across as foolish because he’s always guiltily aware of the possible consequences of his actions, and of the often illogical motivations driving them. There is a sort of mature candor (for want of a better definition) that makes him very relatable, the kind of protagonist it’s easy to root for, and his world-view, in spite of the simplified language – or maybe because of it – shows a wisdom that goes well beyond his actual age.

[…] it seemed like nothing would ever happen to change it. But it’s when you think such thoughts that change is most like to come. You let your guard down, almost, and life comes running at you on your blind side.

Yet it’s through his encounter with Monono Aware that his personality truly takes flight, this interaction between two creatures coming from very different worlds and times who nonetheless find the way to build a bridge between them, one who changes and enhances them equally through the bond of an improbable friendship that’s a pure joy to behold.  I don’t want to spend too many words on Monono because she must be encountered with as little prior knowledge as possible, but let me tell you that her liveliness, her ebullient glee and her expressive mode are the elements that make a huge difference in this story.

Where the first part of this novel was an intriguing introduction to a strange world and to wonderful characters, in the end I realized it was only the foundation of a larger adventure that will certainly develop in depth and scope in the following books, and I can hardly wait to see where Mr. Carey will lead us next. Please let us not wait too long….


My Rating:

30 thoughts on “THE BOOK OF KOLI (Rampart Trilogy #1), by M.R. Carey

  1. Fabulous review! I’ll be post my reactions to this one tomorrow. But, like you, I loved the language and felt it ably supported the worldbuilding. This is by far my favourite Carey read, as I loved the strong first-person POV that stayed with him throughout and the balance of action and reflection worked really well. As for Monono… what a wonderful creation – and her bounciness and can-do attitude let loose in a world where everything is defined by what humanity can’t do, stopped this from becoming a rather bleak trudge through a defeated landscape, which was a bit how I felt by the end of The Girl With All the Gifts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, you stressed the most important point in this story: unlike his previous post-apocalyptic worlds, where there was this pervasive sense of unescapable defeat, there is a hint of hope here and it’s embodied in Koli – particularly in the decision he takes toward the end – and strengthened by Monono’s irrepressible positivity. Looking forward to your review!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful review! I love all the glimpses into the world that I’m sure well get to see more of in the next books. I cannot wait to see where this story goes😁

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  3. I love the premise behind this one and I can’t wait to crack open my copy of this one. I too have enjoyed M.R. Carey’s post-apocalyptic work and still got some catching up to do with the amount of stuff he’s written. I do love the sound of this world, the characters, and everything you’re able to grasp on how life is perceived by everyone in it through the setting. Excellent review as always, Maddalena! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe that since this is the start of trilogy, unlike his other self-contained books, the author choose a “softer” approach this time. The journey that Koli will take next might offer more harrowing experiences… 🙂


  4. Great cover 🙂 As to the book itself, just like Bookstooge, I’m going to wait until the trilogy is done, I’ve been disappointed a few times… but if I’ll decide to read it, I’m definitely buying paper copies.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Okay, now you did it, Maddalena – I’m going to try to get it from NetGalley if it’s still available 😉
    In case it’s not clear – love your review! 😀 And the reference to Flowers for Algernon just sealed the deal 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This was a great review! I am not a big fan of post-apocalyptic books, but I have The Girl With All the Gifts on my TBR and I keep reading interesting things about this book, too! So I hope to get to read something by this author soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, this sounds good! Kinda reminds me of The Day of the Triffids in the sense of genetic modifications and disaster and stuff. I really liked that one and was looking for similar stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Once I read about the “awakened” trees preying on humans, my thoughts went straight to Day of the Triffids :-). There was not much detail about these living trees in the book, but I hope there will be more in the next ones… 🙂


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