
THE NATURALIST (The Naturalist #1), by Andrew Mayne


Once again I find myself in the position of offering a widely diverging point of view from the general consensus about a book: while I started The Naturalist with good expectations – given the positive reviews I read about this novel and its companions in the series – and while this reading experience started in the most auspicious way, at some point the whole setup began to unravel and I was unable to stop noticing its glaring flaws.  If I had not already been at the 80% mark when the “bubble” burst, this book would probably have ended in the DNF pile, but at that point I was in the same position of the proverbial car crash observer, unable to tear my eyes away from the disaster happening in front of me, and I had to see it through, no matter what.

The story, in short: Professor Theo Cray is a computational biologist, i.e. a scientist who studies genetic patterns through computer models predicting any given species’ evolution – or regression – according to set parameters. He’s the classical academic high on science and low on people skills, but he’s compelled to take some interest in the world surrounding him when he’s suspected of the murder of a former student. Quickly cleared of the accusation, Cray becomes obsessed with what he sees as a string of similar murders – all ultimately attributed to wild animals – and starts an investigation on his own, a journey that will take him face to face with a cunning killer who has acted unhindered for a long time.

At first there is some suspension of disbelief to be called into action when reading The Naturalist: the police seems blind to the evidence that there is more to it than simple animal attacks; Cray devises a computer program that can predict, with unerring accuracy, where the victims’ bodies are buried, and is able to unearth them, with almost no legal consequences for his evidence tampering; his actions look highly suspicious, and yet Cray can move almost unopposed as he pursues his obsession – that is, if one can overlook the frequent beatings he takes in the course of his investigations, and which he’s able to shrug off thanks to the tight focus on his self-imposed mission.

All of the above does sound quite over the top, but the pacing is such that it’s easy to overlook even the most glaring of discrepancies.  But at some point they do keep adding up and the effort required to move along with the flow becomes more pronounced: if this had been a story based on a science fiction or fantasy medium it would have been easier to take some details for granted – if we can accept spaceships or dragons, the rest comes along as a matter of consequence. But this novel is set in our times, our reality, and it depicts a murder mystery where the main character uses hard science (even when it’s somewhat far-fetched) to arrange the pieces of the puzzle, so it’s difficult, if not impossible, to accept the total police incompetence, for example, that is a constant in Cray’s interactions with law enforcement, or the ease with which he can literally dump the unearthed bodies on their doorstep without being held for questioning.

The turning point, however, the instance that caused me to literally crash out of the narrative bubble, happened when the assassin, understanding that Cray is getting close to discover his identity, threatens to kill the people he cares about if the professor will not publicly confess to the murders and then take his own life. That scene should have cranked up the tension, raised the already high stakes, but instead it turned the story into a ludicrous farce, one that instead of keeping me on the edge of the seat only managed to make me laugh – and not in amusement.  Because Cray, instead of going straight to the police, or to warn his endangered friends – or both – chooses to appear as if he’s acceding to the killer’s demands and stages his own death, to be able to go after the murderer himself.

Never mind that he already raised lot of suspicions by his weird digging efforts, he now compounds his previous foolish actions by stealing a corpse from the morgue to stage his suicide, and by taking ghastly measures to make the body look like a fresh one – and here is where I drew the final line against the abuse of reader’s intellect:

I pumped two pints of my blood into his body. I was already running low from my previous accident and not sure if I should have spared even that much.  But to make the thing work, it’s absolutely critical that the medical examiner who shows up on the scene to pronounce the body dead doesn’t see immediate signs of lividity.  To minimize those, I put heparin, a blood thinner, in my donor blood and used a syringe to inject the liquid into his body, then massaged the surrounding area.

Let’s examine the “facts” detailed in this paragraph: two pints of blood are close to a liter, one of the five the human body contains, and Cray had already bled profusely in previous circumstances, so another almost-liter should have laid him flat, not left him able to move around as if nothing had happened. The attempt to mask the signs of livor mortis is quite outlandish (not to say un-scientific), since we are told that the hapless body had been laying in the morgue for two days, and blood pools quickly when the circulation stops because, you know, there is a thing called gravity.  And last but not least, there is no amount of anti-clotting agent you can put in blood and no amount of ‘massaging’ that can restore circulation in a DEAD BODY, and therefore make it appear ‘fresher’ than it is.

As if all of this were not enough, the once-reclusive professor turns into a killer-stalking Rambo who’s able to ignore the pain of injuries and the debilitating effects of more blood loss (besides what he pumped into the corpse, that is…) and proceeds to a final confrontation with his foe that is peppered with repeated instances of (I kid you not) “BANG! BANG!” and “BOOM!” as if it were a graphic novel instead of an allegedly dramatic book.

I’m aware that a less curmudgeonly reader than yours truly would be able to ignore these details, focus on the meat of the story – which did start very promisingly, I acknowledge that – and enjoy it, but as these “writerly sins” kept piling up, my initial rating for the book took a nosedive and never recovered.


My Rating:

29 thoughts on “THE NATURALIST (The Naturalist #1), by Andrew Mayne

  1. Haha – Maddalena, I love your review, okay, perhaps we both differ in our feelings for this book but this was a good review that made me laugh. I confess I don’t recall all the Bang, bang, boom, boom moments at the end but you’re absolutely spot on with your suggestion that you have to suspend your disbelief. Seriously though, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this one, I’m loving this series completely although the last one wasn’t quite as good.
    Lynn 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Part of the sarcasm that imbued my review came exactly from the disappointment in my inability to enjoy a book – and series – that so many of my fellow, and trusted, bloggers liked so much. But the “magic” does not always work as well as we hope…


  2. I think this review was almost as entertaining as the book! You are completely right, this story is outlandish in many ways, and the rest of the series is in the same vein. For me, I was able to look past all the ridiculous moments because I was having so much fun:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. At the start it WAS fun indeed, but I was unable to keep the Merciless Critic from taking over from the Enthusiastic Reader (and if this sounds like I’m suffering from multiple personality disorder, it’s not as bad as it looks… LOL LOL) so that I could not help focusing on the flaws rather than the merits…


  3. I’ve got this book waiting to be read – so I’ve skimmed this review, somewhat. However I note some of your issues with interest and I’ll be interested to see if I can suspend my disbelief. Given it isn’t SFF, I somehow think not…

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  4. Oh my goodness, I had a laugh! 😂 I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy the book, but I totally understand your feelings – if it helps, one less person will be frustrated by it thanks to your review, cause I’m not touching it even with a long stick!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your review is great! And I am sorry this book was such a disappointment! I think I would stear clear of it, because I am not so good at suspending my belief and some of the things you wrote don’t really sit well with me!

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  6. So sorry you didn’t enjoy this! I have to admit though, the over the top nature of this series is precisely why I enjoy this series and the author’s books so much, so on some level I can understand Mayne’s work is something of an acquired taste 😀 If you thought this one was too crazy and bombastic though, you’d hate his other sci-fi-thriller series, which is just completely outlandish but at the same time oh so fun, if you can suspend your disbelief.

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    1. Suspending my disbelief is not an effort, usually: as I’m fond of saying, if I can believe in walking, talking trees, I can believe in anything. What did not agree with me, in this specific case, was the contemporary, science-based setting of the story, which – in my opinion – called for some more accurateness in the details. I’m sorry that I have to part ways with a series that looked promising, but I guess this is like caviar – not everyone likes it. 😉


  7. Pfff hahahahahaha this is an absolutely brilliant review! I’ve seen a review or two for this in the past but didn’t rush out to pick it up. Now, I think it’s safe to ignore it as your review covers some great issues that would kill it for me as well. Thank you for sharing this and I do hope your next book will be far more rewarding!

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  8. Hahahahaa sorry you didn’t enjoy this one! It does require suspension of disbelief to get over the really bizarre parts that is, if you can even get past Cray himself! Great review!

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  9. Oh god, I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you, but I’m thankful it gave us this review. 😂 The image of someone pumping his own blood into a dead body and massaging it is hilarious and face-palm inducing. I have heard a lot of good things about the series from other readers, though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The premise is a sound one, and the book DID start as an engaging read – what I could not tolerate (and here I honestly confess to my lack of patience) were exactly those instances in which too much suspension of disbelief was required. Your face-palm image is a perfect description of my state of mind… 🙂


  10. Hahaha, this book sounds WILD. This is the kind of crazy stuff I expect in a tv show or a movie where I’m forgetting reality and just going along for the ride like in Fast and Furious (sure that car can fly through the air, why not? Gravity no longer exists here).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! In a movie such crazyness is more acceptable (look at all those over-the-top initial sequences of Bond movies, for example), and I think it’s because the visual medium is more flexible, but in a book – and one where we have to believe in the character(s) – it does not work as well…

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  11. Yikes. Sounds like the author didn’t do any research on police procedure. Or did and decided to ignore it. I’ll be giving this a pass- but I appreciate the review because I had been curious for awhile.

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