
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books that make me smile

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme where every Tuesday we look at a particular topic for discussion and use various (or more to the point, ten) bookish examples to demonstrate that particular topic.  Top Ten Tuesday (created and hosted by  The Broke and Bookish) is now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and future week’s topics can be found here.  This week’s topic is:


Because we all need some lightness in our lives…

Gail Carriger: Parasol Protectorate series

Where Urban Fantasy novels, and series, tend to be dark and broody, Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate sports a delightful tongue-in-cheek humor that adds value to this alternate Victorian England where vampires, werewolves and so forth walk among humans and are productive – and often respected – members of society.


M.L. Brennan: Generation V series

A young, still not fully developed vampire who hates the idea of becoming a blood-sucker and even flirts with vegetarianism? That certainly makes me smile, and there is the added value of his sidekick Suzume Hollis, a kitsune with a very, very mischievous sense of humor.


John Scalzi: Old Man’s War series (or anything by Scalzi, really…)

Scalzi’s sense of humor permeates all his works, with varying degrees of intensity: the premise for this series is that people, once they reach the age of 75 can get a new lease on life by signing up with the Colonial Defense forces: if you wonder how old geezers can be turned into alien-fighting soldiers… well, all you have to do is read the books!


Scott Lynch: Gentlemen Bastards series

My constant source of joy in this series is the friendship – or rather brotherhood – between Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen (and their comrades from the Gentlemen Bastards, sadly gone too soon from the scene…) and the way they are able to always present a united front against anyone who wants to hurt them, or worse.


Lois McMaster Bujold: Vorkosigan saga

I already bored everyone  😀  with my ramblings about the adventures of Miles Vorkosigan, so I can only confirm that here you will find plenty of adventure and plenty of smiles, and laughs.


Patrick Weekes: Rogues of the Republic series

Daring heists, a death priestess and a bumbling apprentice magician, a shape-shifting unicorn and a talking weapon (well, “talking” might be a stretch, to say the truth…) and other intriguing and totally entertaining characters are the main reason I loved the first two books in this series and look forward to reading book 3.


Nicholas Eames: The Band series

More than smile, the first two books of this series made me often laugh out loud for the enjoyable silliness of the characters’ antics and their crazy adventures. There is some sadness mixed in, granted, but it only serves to balance out what is ultimately a very engaging, very unforgettable read.


Stephanie Burgis: The Harwood Spellbook series

This alternate vision of Regency England revolves around the concept that men are gifted with magical skills while women attend to the more practical business of ruling the country, and there are many opportunities to poke fun at gender-bound roles here…


Martha Wells: The Murderbot Diaries series

Is it really necessary to say why Murderbot’s adventures make me – and all who read them – smile?


Phil Williams: The Ordshaw series

If a few centimeters tall, gun-toting, foul-mouthed and very aggressive fairy does not make you smile, I really don’t know what will. As for me, I’m Team Letty all the way!  😉

And you? Which books make you smile?

38 thoughts on “TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books that make me smile

  1. So many amazing books! Ohhh Locke and Jean… and the Palace Job… and Kings of the Wyld. Yes, 100% smile inducing!

    I’m really rather intrigued by the Murderbot series too! 😀

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  2. Well if I hadn’t your explanations I would never believe that these books made you smile based on the covers! I know I know, never judge a book…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had a partially-written post for this week’s TTT and completely forgot about it, but the Gentlemen Bastards was one of my choices too! Locke and Jean’s antics make me smile (and outright laugh) SO MUCH. It’s amazing how a series that gets dark and sad in places is also a comfort read. And gosh, Eames’ series is just so much fun. I’m all giddy for book 3. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This was an amazing list!! 😍 You mentioned so many good series/books! Like the Parasol Protectorate (this is just so fun!), Murderbot (even if I have read only the first one of this series, yet), Locke Lamora (😍) and King’s of the Wyld!
    I have on my list V generation and Vorkosigan (this last one is entirely your fault! 😉) and I really hope to read them soon!

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  5. I couldn’t get into Carriger, I wanted to like “Soulless”, but it was so uninspiring for me… Scalzi, on the other hand, I find great, and really funny, and you just reminded me I have one or two yet-unread books of his waiting on my Audible account 🙂

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  6. Some great books here. I loved Old Man’s War, the Rogues of the Republic (I’ve also only read the first 2 so far), and of course, Murderbot. I very much want to start the Gentlemen Bastards series, heard so many great things about it. And the same with the Vorkosigan saga and the Band series. So much to look forward to. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ooo… what a FABULOUS list. So glad to see that you, too, are banging on about Miles Vorkosigan:). But also LOVED Under Ordshaw, the first of the Murderbot Diaries, the Gentleman Bastards and Old Man’s War and I have Snowspelled on my TBR thanks to your recommendation:)). I MUST trim down my TBR before getting anymore new goodness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I gave up on the idea of trimming down my TBR because I’ve realized the sheer impossibility of it: the only way I could manage that would be to stop reading my fellow bloggers’ reviews – but then where would the fun be? 😉
      By now I’m resigned to the fact that books, like Ripley’s aliens, keep coming out of the damn walls… LOL LOL

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