
My Year in Books (and more…)

It’s usual, at the end of each year, to look back at the books we read (and in my case at the shows/movies I watched and reviewed) to take a short stroll down the proverbial Memory Lane. In 2021 I did not read as many books as in previous years, but on the other hand it seems I gathered more hits than misses, and that’s always a positive consideration.

Here is the gallery of the books I read:

And since I’ve become fond of trying my hand at statistical charts, here are some (totally useless, but fun 😀 ) data about these books, starting with the subdivision by genre:

Science Fiction gathered the lion’s share, indeed, closely followed by Fantasy and, for me, by something of a “new entry” with Crime/Thriller, which used to be one of my go-to genres in the past and this year saw a rekindling of my interest in it.

When I looked at the overall ratings for the books I read I had a very pleasant surprise:

The lower ratings impacted only a small portion of my reading material, with a preponderance instead of the higher ones, from 4- to 5-stars: it would seem that I was very fortunate in my choices, with only one DNF book in a total of 55.

But this year I did not spend all of my free time with my nose in a book: I do love watching TV and in 2021 I enjoyed several series and one movie, once again seeing that SF proved the most attractive genre:

Behind Her Eyes (Thriller) – 4 stars
The Expanse (SF) – 5 stars
Shadow and Bone (Fantasy) – 3,5 stars
Squid Game (SF/Horror) – 5 stars
Sweet Tooth (SF) – 5 stars
Foundation (SF) – 3,5 stars
DUNE (SF) – 5 stars

So here it is, my 2021 in a nutshell. Any resolutions for next year? Well, to put my TBR on a diet and try to slim it down to a more acceptable size by reading some of the books that have been languishing on it for quite some time… But I know that good intentions often end up as paving stones for the road to Hell 😀 so I’d better wait and see what 2022 will bring.

Happy New Year, dear fellow book-lovers!

26 thoughts on “My Year in Books (and more…)

  1. Nice! High average rating means you choose your reading well 🙂 I had 4.1 average on GoodReads this year, higher than my all-time average of 3.92 – it seems we’re both getting better and this, it’s better not to waste time on sth one does not enjoy 🙂

    To finally read books from one’s TBR… probably the most common New Year resolution for readers… good luck, everyone and Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year! I love seeing the gallery of all the books you’ve read, and I noticed my ratings were overall very high this year too. Here’s to a brand new year and lots of great books and TV shows😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think it’s awesome you have more 5 star reads than any other level. My overall average for the year was just a touch under 4. I had more 4 stars than others, but I did have 5 2 star reads that brought down the average. Still a good year, though. I’m also considering working on my TBR, but I’m considering going at it from the other perspective, trying to find any I’m no longer as interested in reading. No clue if I’ll have any success. I love that you were able to find so many genre shows you really enjoyed. 🙂 Have a great New Years!

    PS, how are you keeping track of your statistics for the charts? In a spreadsheet? Online, like goodreads? Just curious. I use both spreadsheet and goodreads but my spreadsheet is pretty simple at this point, no genres yet, but maybe next year? 🙂

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    1. Yes, I use a spreadsheet where I list both books and shows with page numbers, ratings, genres and so forth, so at the end of the year I can create those oh-so-shiny graphs 😀 It’s fun to see one’s reading year in 3D shapes!
      I like the idea of at least pruning out the books we put on the TBR but are not interested in reading anymore: it might be a small, but significant step forward…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What an absolutely wonderful selection of books, shows, and movies that you got through, Maddalena! I’m really glad that you read so many good ones and got around to so many Connellys last year too. I hope you get around to reading as many if not more books, watching more shows, and more movies! Happy New Year! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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